Professional Massage

I massage your entire body with long firm strokes using my arms and hands. I start from your shoulders and work my way down. I blend my own oils using aromatherapy and alond oil as a base that will relax your muscles and restore your mind. This is a professional massage only and is a combination of Swedish, deep tissue and sports massage


30 Minutes R500

45 Minutes R1,200

90 Minutes R1,250


All travel below 20km is free but above 20km starts from R250 depending on the distance and time

Tantric Massage

Tantric Massage is a ritual of receiving sensual (sexual) energy to the ecstasy of receiving a nurturing and awakening sensual massage.

Lingam massage

This is experience is where i can focus on your Pelvic area and through arousal and disperse sexual energy so the pleasure is felt through the entire body.

Deep tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage therapy that targets the deeper layers of muscles in an effort to realign them.

Warm candle massage

Candle massage-hot melted candle wax running through your body.

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