What my purpose for this is :
This is to help you and your partner connect on a much deeper level. If you are having trouble then it means you are finding it difficult to communicate your needs and desires to each other. I am here to help you reconnect with each other on a spiritual level and I will show and teach you both as an couple how to work together as a team. This is very enlightening for both of you because it will teach you to be more patient with each other which will then put you both at ease and on the same Level. But
if your relationship in the bedroom is great but you would like to rediscover other parts of yourself or your partner then I am here to help you and teach you. So let’s start this journey together.
How I work with the two of you :
It’s always important to first feel comfortable with me your therapist. We first start off with a discussion on how and what will be best for the both of you. I will then go through the process of how I will massage you both individually and you have the option to join me. The same will happen with your partner and then after I have massaged you both you can then both start massaging each other. It is completely up to you both and it must be mutually agreed upon because I want you to feel comfortable and at ease with me at all times.